Tomorrow is school picture day |
Let me tell you: Your child’s Thursday folder is full tonight! There are many notes about upcoming events, so please go through them carefully.
In math we broke into small groups and ordered decimals. I made this activity so that the children could work together and help one another. But it ended up being so much more helpful. As I walked around and checked the groups’ finished product, I saw that many were making the same mistake. That helps me in making plans for other decimal lessons. The most confusion I saw was children thinking that 1.49 was larger than 1.5. We discussed how a tray of brownies could be divided into 100 pieces and 10 pieces. Which is more? Less? We will continue to work on this! If your child didn’t finish his assignment then he/she needs to do finish WB pages 39-40….EVENS only.
Tomorrow is popcorn day! |
In spelling we worked with antonyms and synonyms. There were several different lessons in our book. I made three mandatory, and your child got to choose a fourth.
In Writer’s Workshop we continued working on our “Things I’m Not Allowed to Do Anymore” books. They are coming along nicely!
Tomorrow is picture day, as well as popcorn day.
picture day.
Book orders are due by October 20. You may order online, and the activation code is J34XP.
Have a great Thursday!