Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Revisiting some math concepts

In math we revisited the GCF (greatest common factor) and the LCM (least common multiple).

It was clear after a night of grading that many of us are getting the two confused. We only had 11 problems for an assignment today. Those who worked and used their time well were able to get it done in class. Also, I have found that when there is a sub, some of the students don’t do the work. For those that turned in his/her Monday’s assignment received 10 points added to his/her score.

In language and spelling we had a surprise lesson with Mrs. Troyer.

Have a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Students begin to work on rounding fractions

It was nice being back. Although, I am still not feeling 100% like myself, I do feel better.

In math we started chapter 5, which begins with rounding fractions. We discussed what we already know about rounding and showed how the same rules could be used in rounding fractions. I gave those who didn’t do well on the chapter 4 test a chance to take another test over the same chapter. Some chose to keep original grade.

In spelling we continued with lesson 9 words in Wordskills. We did pages 112-115. It sounds like a lot, but two of the pages had a story that had to be read.
In language we showed how to ignore prepositional phrases between subjects and verbs so that we could still pick out the correct verb.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break with your families!

Monday, November 28, 2011

I had some kind of post-Thanksgiving virus today.  Tell my Jewels I am hoping to make it to school tomorrow.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A day of music practice for 6th graders

With our program tomorrow, we had music practice for the most part of the day. Many had to be reminded to be quiet when it wasn’t his/her time to sing or talk. I hope we remember that tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be another crazy day, as well as the last day for book orders.  Note the book order icon in the column to the right.  You can click on that and be taken right to the order form.

Have a great Monday evening.

Friday, November 18, 2011

6th graders take tests in math and spelling today

We took chapter 4 test in math today.  Next week we will do some review math but will not be starting a new chapter.

In language we are still working on our stories over music. 

In spelling we also took a test.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Coordinate pairs -- they're easy!

In math today we worked with coordinate pairs, and almost everyone seemed to enjoy this.  They kept saying how easy it was.  That is always good to hear, but something I don’t hear very often.  We will have a test over chapter 4 tomorrow.

In writing we continued working on our newest piece.  We also took an editing quiz.

In spelling we worked with words that are related in some way and word structures. 

There are notes about tomorrow’s lunch in the Thursday folders.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sixth graders put in full day of math and language arts activities

In math we did the opposite of yesterday’s lesson.  Yesterday we took decimals and turned them into fractions.  Today we took fractions and turned them into decimals.  We are adding a lot of information to our spirals and folders.  Since your child is allowed to use these during lessons and test, he/she needs to make sure his/her spirals and folders are up to date. 

In spelling we worked with antonyms, synonyms, and analogies.

In writing we did a shared writing lesson.  We first gathered our thoughts in a web, then put those items in a time line.  We then started our first draft.  Also, on another writing note, information went home about a contest sponsored by the Oklahoma Writing Project.  Your child will receive a 100 to replace his/her lowest grade in language for entering.

Please remind your child to look for our book, Hatchet.  It has been misplaced. 

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jewels win 'best behaved" award

My homeroom has won the traveling trophy for the best behavior in music class.  Congratulations to my well-behaved Jewels!

Today Mrs. Cook’s student teacher did a lesson on changing decimals into fractions.  Her observer needed to see her in a math class.  She did a great job.  I enjoyed watching her at work!  She will be a great teacher! 

In spelling we worked with using the correct word in a sentence.

In language, we made an acrostic for one of our paraprofessionals for tomorrow.  We also worked with words with multiple meanings.  We had to use one word for two different blanks.  An example of this is:  I didn’t notice the last notice that was posted.  In this sentence, notice is used as a verb, then a noun.

Don’t forget book orders are due next Tuesday, and you may order online.  Also, picture retakes are this Friday.

Have a great evening with your family!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sixth graders have a full day of learning

In math today we worked on ordering fractions. We had to first find a common denominator, then we were able to put them in order or decide if one was greater than, less than, or equal to the other fraction.

In spelling we are reviewing the last four lessons.  We did pages 91-92. 

In language we worked with commonly confused words and worked on one of our individual stories.

Book orders came home last week.  Don’t forget:  You may order online.

Also, picture retakes are this Friday, November 18th.

When work comes home, please go over it with your child.  Many times I will have them correct and return it, but they still need to go over it with you.  Many times seeing what they did wrong helps a lot.

Have a great Monday.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thanks to Post-It Notes, class completes productive mini-lesson

In math we worked with LCM (lowest common multiple).  We used a number line on the board and Post-It Notes to do a mini-lesson.  I don’t know how we managed before Post-It notes were invented!  It is amazing how they can help a math lesson!

We took a test in spelling. 

In language we had to write about our favorite summer time activity.  They had to write so that I could picture it in my mind just by reading their writings.

There were a couple of notes that were left out of yesterday’s folders.  They are coming home today, along with book orders that are due November 22.  Our class gets a free book every time an order is placed online.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Students work on word problems

In math today we worked with word problems and strategies to work them.  We took seven problems and worked them together.  Since all were different, we were able see several types.  We put them in our spiral notebooks so that we may refer to them when we come across similar problems.

In language we discussed indefinite pronouns and how they have to agree with the verb.  We then took sentences and decided if they were written correctly or not.

In spelling we did pages 83-84. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I was under the weather today, but I should be back in class on Thursday.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Students work with proper and improper fractions

Today in math we worked with proper and improper fractions.  Ask your child about our index card activity that we did to introduce this lesson.  After working with both type of fractions, I asked the students to tell me what they thought a good definition of each would be, and they were able to give me the equivalent of the definition in our book.  This is a great skill and shows they knew how the fractions work.

We combined our spelling and language assignment.  We took sentences written yesterday with our spelling words and the children wrote correct by each number if the word was used correctly.  If it wasn’t correct, then they had to write a new sentence using it correctly.

I don’t know about all of you but this past weekend reminded me of songs like, “I Feel the Earth Move Under my Feet” and "A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On.”  I hope you haven’t suffered any damage due to our earthquakes.

Monday, November 7, 2011

6th graders to participate in Sumdog competition

Well, today we went to the computer lab for all math classes.  This was a first, but some are not moving along as they should be.  Tomorrow I will be handing out work to those who need to correct it.  Also, we are signed up to participate in the Sumdog competition.  I just learned of this and the kids wanted to do this.  Each student has his/her user name and password.  They may do this at home.

Now it's a spelling word!
In language we continued to work with subject-verb agreement, as well as some writing.  There were choices, but we added the earthquake to our choices. 

In spelling we looked up our words and wrote sentences in groups.  Tomorrow we will share the sentences and see if the words are used correctly.

Have a great Monday!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Class words on division with decimals

Today we reviewed and practiced more division with decimals, but this time where both numbers were decimals.  We also worked a few word problems.

In language and spelling we worked on our Reflections Posters.  These are due Monday if your child didn’t finish. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Students work in writer's notebooks

Today in writing, our young authors worked in their writer's notebooks, extending pieces they were already working on or starting new ones.

In spelling, they worked with two prefixes that originally came from the Greek.  They learned that adding the prefix "neg" to a word makes it negative, and they also added "re" to words and used those words in sentences.

In math, students saw the importance of the greatest common factor idea we have been working with, as we turned to reducing fractions and dealing with equivalent fractions.

Tomorrow is popcorn day.  Send 50 cents for popcorn if your child wants to purchase any, unless you have previously paid for the entire year.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Students work on greatest common factor

In math today we worked more with the greatest common factor.  We turned it around and gave the greatest common factor and they had to find three numbers that had that number as the greatest common factor.  We also took an open book vocabulary quiz over chapter 3.

In spelling today we had a lesson with Mrs. Troyer and it went into language time, but we managed to have time to write in our writer’s notebooks.  The lessons Mrs. Troyer has been doing with us have been very thought-provoking.  So they had to write their thoughts, opinions, feelings, or whatever they wanted to write about the lessons.

Have a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Students work with dialogue in writer's workshop

In math today we worked with the greatest common factor of two numbers.  We also placed the factors of the numbers we were comparing on a Venn Diagram. 

in spelling we did pages 72-74.  We used spelling words in analogies, to answer questions about a story that we read, and found the one word in groups of 4 that didn’t belong with the others.

In Writer’s Workshop we used dialogue.  A student and I had a conversation and then I put it on the board as a script.    Ex.  Ms. Jacobs:  Are you hungry?
                Nathan:  Yes.
                Ms. Jacobs:  What are you hungry for?
And so on.  We took that conversation and turned it into:
                Ms. Jacobs asked, “Are you hungry?”
                “Yes,” Nathan answered.
After that another student and I had a conversation and we put it in script form again.  The students then had to take it and write it in paragraph form.

I hope everyone has recovered after Halloween.  It is always difficult to come to school the day afterJ