Keep checking in to the blog this summer. We'll have occasional postings as things come up.
News from Ms. Susan Jacobs' sixth-grade homeroom and science classes at Broadmoore Elementary School in Moore, Oklahoma. Email Ms. Jacobs at
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tears flow on the last day of school

Please keep an eye on the blog this summer. It won’t be updated daily, but I will put things up. I will post when we hear from our soldier. I will also update with sites or anything else I think might be helpful for your now-Jr.-High child!
I will miss this group of kiddos! We all survived our first year of sixth grade together.
God bless!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Grades are in, graduation is over and now it's time for the last day of school. What a year it has been! Looking forward to my last day with our great sixth graders.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Teacher faces year's end with mixed emotions
We worked more with graphing and multiplying integers today. As you can probably imagine, there is an abundance of energy in the classroom.
It is with mixed emotions that I face the end of the year. Losing my third graders each year was difficult. But I always enjoyed seeing them in the hall. It just occurred to me that I won’t have this same privilege next year. So please keep me informed of your child’s progress and achievements. As I have always said, “Once a Jewel, always a Jewel!”
We played Sparkle Extreme today. This was an idea of one of our students. It was enjoyed by all.
Have a great Monday.
Friday, May 18, 2012
6th graders help manage Super Kids' Day
Today’s Super Kids’ Day was a hit! You can be proud of your children. The 6th graders ran the stations and as I walked around the field I was amazed at how well they worked with the younger children. It was funny when they complained about kids not listening to directions. I just smiled and acted shockedJ
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Students work on Roman numerals, finish another math masterpiece
In math we worked with Roman numerals. We finished another Math masterpiece. Today’s artwork was called “The Cannon Shot.”
In language we worked on writing lyric poetry. Each young author worked on a free verse poem that reflected his or her feelings or hopes. This lesson tied in well with our autobiography lessons.
We took our spelling test today since tomorrow is Super Kids’ Day.
Monday, Greg Rodgers will be here to sign books that any student buys. The books are not over $15 each. These are books about stories in Oklahoma. We have been reading some of the stories from his newest book, One Dark Night in Oklahoma.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
6th graders work with 'translations' in math
In math today we worked with translations. No, we didn't work in different languages, although there are some that feel 6th grade math is a different language all of its own. We took shapes that were made by plotting coordinates, and moved them. The shapes remained congruent, but were moved according to given instructions.
In spelling we did an assignment, as well as playing Sparkle. We will take our test tomorrow, rather than Friday, due to Super Kids' Day.
In language we listened to a a couple more chapters in the 7th, and last, book in the Shadow Children series. Autobiographies, as well as any missing work, is due Friday. No work will be accepted after this Friday.
Remind your child that if he or she has any classroom books checked out, they need to be returned by Friday.
In spelling we did an assignment, as well as playing Sparkle. We will take our test tomorrow, rather than Friday, due to Super Kids' Day.
In language we listened to a a couple more chapters in the 7th, and last, book in the Shadow Children series. Autobiographies, as well as any missing work, is due Friday. No work will be accepted after this Friday.
Remind your child that if he or she has any classroom books checked out, they need to be returned by Friday.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Today in sixth: volume or three-dimensional figures and Roman myths and legends
Today we worked on finding the volume of three-dimensional figures. We also added the formula to our spiral. As I told the children today, they can use it next year for homework. It has formulas, examples, charts, etc., that will be very helpful.
In language we did the same as yesterday, except today’s list was a list of words from Roman myths and legends.
If you have any large paper grocery sacks that you don’t need, we would appreciate them. We will be cleaning out our desks, and you would be amazed at how much can be stuck in there!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Classes study three-dimensional shapes
In math we made nets that made 3 dimensional shapes. We did it using cubes and centimeter graphing paper. Tomorrow we will see the “why” of today’s activity.
In language we chose a word from a list that had words that came from characters in Greek myths and legends. Each student chose a word, looked it up and wrote definition, then illustrated the word. We will be doing several of these from different lists to create a display of words.
In spelling we received our list and practiced them on
Friday, May 11, 2012
Another great day of learning and fun in sixth grade
In math we played math games, took computer tests, and finished any missing work. We also enjoyed our snacks. If a child is still missing work, then he/she missed a great opportunity to get it done.
In spelling we took our test.
In language students worked quietly as I read from our book. We are wanting to finish the last of the Shadow Children series.
For handwriting we copied the poem, “New York is in North Carolina," by James Stevenson. The last line of the poem is “Those are a few of the answers I wrote when I flunked the geography test.”
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Sixth graders can bring a snack to math tomorrow
In math we had a practice page of multiplying decimals. It was a painting puzzle. When answered correctly it made a famous old painting. Tomorrow for math, students can bring a snack and a drink. It needs to be a drink with a twist-on top, however.
In spelling we played Sparkle.
In language we worked one more day on our autobiographies, as we had so many absent in class.

And some children asked about my “O is for Oil” book. I am getting a case tomorrow and if you and your child would like one I can sell them at my cost, which is $8 each. Just let me know. Don’t feel obligated, please. I just wanted to mention it since I was asked.
Have a great evening!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Students learn another formula, hear Choctaw author Greg Rodgers
In math we introduced another formula. We learned that to find the area of a triangle we divide the product of the base and height by 2. We also figured out that we can take an odd shape that looks like a square and a triangle have been meshed and figure the area of it. We first find the area of the square, then the triangle section, and then we add the two together.
We did spelling for bellwork since we were fortunate enough to have an author’s visit today. We used our words in analogies.
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Choctaw author Greg Rodgers |
Our author was Greg Rodgers. He is an author and a Choctaw storyteller. He was very interesting. He left me a book of his and I will share the stories with the class. Information on ordering his books will be coming home in tomorrow’s folders.
Only 10 more days! Remind your child, as I do daily, that we still have to follow procedures. I know it is difficult with the beautiful weather and all. But It will make the last few days more pleasant for everyone if we remember this.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Students take math quiz, finish up life stories

In spelling we matched words to certain patterns.
In language we worked on our autobiographies. It is the last day we will work on them in class.
Have a great evening!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Tessellations and autobiographies occupy sixth graders on Monday
In math we reviewed perimeter and worked with different shapes and measurements. Most finished early and were given time to work on their tessellations.
In language we worked on our autobiographies. Tomorrow will be the last time we will work on them during class time.
We received our new spelling lists for the week!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Full day of activities and fun in sixth grade
Our day was very unusual today due to all that was going on.
We started our morning off with a talk with the school nurse in the library.
In class we took our spelling test, worked on our autobiographies, and copied a poem for handwriting.
Those with missing work were handed lists of their missing assignments and were allowed to work on them while others read silently.
We played Kakooma this afternoon. The kids enjoy this game. Their competitive spirits arise when we play it.
Our party went very well. Thank you to everyone for your help!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Sixth grade party is tomorrow
In math we reviewed dividing with positive and negative integers. We also used simple shapes to make a new tessellation.
We played our weekly game of Sparkle in spelling.
And we worked on our autobiographies in language. If you have any stories about your child that you think need to be in his/her book, please share it with them.
Tomorrow is our party.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Quadrilaterals, synonyms, and autobiographies: our day in sixth grade
In math we continued working on quadrilaterals and putting names with shapes by using their definitions. We also had time to play “Kakooma” in some classes. This is a great game for practicing math. You can go to to check it out.
In spelling we matched spelling words to synonyms.
In language we continued work on our autobiographies.
Have a great evening!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Sixth graders examine quadrilaterals
In math we worked with quadrilaterals. We added a quadrilateral flow chart to our spiral as well. It showed how some shapes can be considered more than one thing, by their definition. For example, a square can be considered a rhombus, a rectangle, and a parallelogram.
In spelling we unscrambled our spelling words.
In language we were to finish our final copy of our letter to our soldier. If your child wants to type his/hers he/she may.
We still need candy for our piƱata. I had a parent bring in some Dr. Pepper, Coke, chips, and salsa for our party. We could use paper plates, cups, napkins, etc. Anything you can think of, feel free to send. Thank you in advance.
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