Thursday, February 28, 2013

Writers want more time to work on poems for their new poetry book

Even though I said yesterday was the last day we were going to work on the poems, many were almost through and wanted to type them.  So we did work on them for the last time in class today.  We will make a book out of the ones that are turned in by Tuesday’s a deadline.  If your child misses the deadline, he/she still has to turn it in for a grade.
In science we started on our OERB safety posters.  There are cash prizes involved, as well as getting winning posters on next year’s calendar that they send out to teachers all over the state. 
Next week starts our “Pennies for Pasta” campaign.  This is a fundraiser for leukemia and lymphoma.  Here is the schedule for next week’s extra incentives:
  • Monday, March 4:  Bring $1.00 to wear a hat.
  • Tuesday, March 5:  Bring $1.00 to sit anywhere at lunch.
  • Wednesday, March 6:  Bring $1.00 for a Homework Pass/”Oops I forgot pass”
  • Thursday, March 7:  Bring $1.00 to duct tape Mrs. Balderrama to the cafeteria wall.
  • Friday, March 8:  Bring $1.00 for pajama day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Writers work on poems using color

In writer’s workshop we were supposed to finish our color poems today. If your child didn’t finish he/she needs to do so and return it tomorrow.
In spelling we took our words and made an outline of an object.

In science we did three different activities dealing with density. Be sure to ask your child about these activities.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Writers work on poetry in writer's workshop

In writing today we took a day off from expository writing to work with poetry. I read several poems from the book Hailstones and Halibut Bones. It is a book that has a poem for several different colors. We then did a prewrite lesson where your child chose at least one color and wrote down objects, emotions, places, etc. that the color made them think of. 
In science we started chapter 10. We added notes and made vocabulary cards. Tomorrow we will be doing a few different labs.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Students were hoping for another snow day

With the weather today, everyone was a little anxious. I do believe there were many hoping for a snow day in our future.

In spelling our list is from words that many of us miss in our writing pieces. I think it is important to use words that are relevant to the children. We only have 15 words this week.

In writer’s workshop, we worked on our science acrostics, as many hadn’t finished theirs.

In science we took our test over chapter 9……finally.

Stay warm and safe!

Friday, February 22, 2013

A full day of learning for sixth graders

In spelling we took our tests.

In writer’s workshop we were to finish up with our autobiographies.

In science we spent the day in the computer lab.

A note came home today about our blog. Your child can earn extra credit for going to our blog and looking over it with you. It must have your signature.

Also, the information about the OERB safety poster contest came home today. It is a great contest. The 13 winners from the state will get to have their artwork as one of the months for next year’s calendar that OERB sends out. Also, they winners get to go to the state capitol for a day. There are also cash prizes.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Enjoy the day at home today.  All evening activities are also canceled for Moore Public Schools.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Students learn to use anecdotes in their autobiographies

In writer's workshop, we did a special lesson on using stories in our autobiographies.  We looked at different stages in the students' lives and what types of stories can be generated out of all those stages.  We modeled some of those in class and students began writing their own anecdotes to include in their autobiographies.  We also did some etymology with the word autobiography.

In science we played “I have…who has” over chapter 9. We will have a test tomorrow. We also wrote an acrostic using the “WATER CYCLE.”

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Students watch special video

With the special video today, our schedule was changed. Our classes were shorter, the ones we were able to have.
In science we wrote questions and answers that were able to be answered from chapter 9. This was also considered our writing for today, as the students had to word their questions in such a way that they could be understood and only had one apparent answer. With the schedule change, our test in science will now be on Thursday.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Can you help us tomorrow by sending some items we need for our science lab?

We wrote our spelling words in rainbow style today. 
In science we did a worksheet, and checked it, over chapter 9.  Tomorrow there will be a list of items we need for our lab on Thursday.  These aren’t things that need to be purchased but everyday items you might usually throw away.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

'Energetic' class enjoys Valentine's Day

We took our test today in spelling. I haven’t had time to grade them yet.

As, you can imagine, today was quite energetic. I think they enjoy Valentine’s more than Christmas sometimes! Please remind your child that our autobiographies are due next Wednesday.

In science we are still reviewing chapter 9. We will do a lab on Monday, and play “I Have Who Has” if there is time. Our test is Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Math skills come in handy: students figure out teachers age

In writer’s workshop we continued working on our autobiographies.  I gave an example of my first 5, if I were to write one.  Using the year may have been a mistake, as they all figured out my age.  But at least they did some math!

In spelling we took turns on the Smart Board using

In science we went over our homework.  We will have a test next Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on how well our review goes.

Tomorrow is Spirit Day (wear red/pink/hearts).  Tomorrow is also the last day for book orders.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Classes have opportunity to get extra credit in science

We had several out taking tests this morning so our schedule was a little off. We did, however, continue writing on our notes for our autobiographies.

In science we finished chapter 9. Your child was given an opportunity for extra credit. All he/she has to do is the activity on page 300 and have you sign it. You may help your child if he/she needs help. We also took information from the chart on page 302 and answered a few questions, using it. Your child needs to have page 309, problems 1-20 done by class time tomorrow.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Students begin autobiographies

Due to last week’s spelling test grades, I have decided to keep the same words for this week.  Some did well and will not have to re-take the test, but they will do our daily assignments.  With this being a short week, the test will be on Thursday.

We started work on our
autobiographies in writer's workshop.
In language we started jotting notes about our lives so far, as each student is going to write an autobiography.  I reminded them of how we used a timeline before and that might help them when taking notes.

In science we checked our 9.2 questions and corrected them, if necessary.  We also checked on the cup of water we put out last week.  The students made predictions of how long it would take for the water to evaporate.

Book orders are due Thursday.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Students write thank you notes

We took our spelling test this morning.  Unfortunately, many didn’t study. 

In writer’s workshop we continued with expository writing by writing thank you notes to OERB.  We discussed that letters were an example of expository and why.  I received some great notes.  Students had been asked to do this on their own time, but I didn’t get many.  Since OERB does so much for our students, schools, and teachers, I felt it was important to let them know we appreciated it!

In science it was Friday, so we were in the computer lab.  Fortunately, those in my homeroom that were ready, used part of this time to type his/her thank you notes and “Guess Who” pieces.

Book orders are due next Thursday, Valentine’s Day.    

The 14th is also a school-wide contest to see which class can wear the most red, pink, and/heart clothing.  The winning class will receive the spirit stick.                                                                                                          

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Class finishes writing pieces for display

In writing we finished (or should have) our “Guess Who” pieces for display.

In spelling we did a crossword and worked with syllabication using our spelling words.

In science we reviewed chapter 9, section 2.  We also watched a video about water treatment, as we have been reading about in our text.  Ask your child about the wasted water activity we did.  It was an eye-opener for us.

Book orders came home and are due next Thursday, Valentine’s Day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sixth grade writers edit pieces in writer's workshop

In writing today we edited our “Guess Who” pieces.  We also worked on making them ready for display. 
In science we added some more vocabulary cards.  We also did an activity to simulate PPM (Parts Per million).
We added the word flexible to our lexicons today.  I chose that word because at the beginning of our day there was no substitute for one of my colleagues, so the three teachers that were here had to split up her class for a while.  Fortunately, they found a substitute by the time music was finished!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Class writes clues for guessing game in writer's workshop

In writing today, we wrote clues about a famous person or book character.  These will be displayed in the hall so that we may guess. 

In spelling we went to Spelling City on the Smart Board.

In science we finished our review questions from yesterday.  We also started a saltwater observation, as well as started section 9.2.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Class previews book to be published soon

We looked at a preview of our book of haunted stories today to make sure names and all were spelled correctly.

We took our spelling pretest today.  We corrected them rainbow style. 

In science we made cards to study for four new vocabulary words and answered questions 1-6 on page 288 of our text.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Substitute teacher fills in, students take spelling test, work in computer lab

This morning I had a substitute, as I was at the heart hospital with my dad.  He had two heart attacks over Christmas Break, and they couldn’t do all they needed to do in one surgery.  It went well, but they found something in his stomach they have to look at.  But the report from the substitute teacher was a good one.

They took their spelling test today.

In science they went to the computer lab.