Tuesday, April 30, 2013

'Happy to survive' day in sixth grade

Sixth graders loved their boat project in science.  They learned so much!


Today was one of those days where you are happy to survive! There was no sub for Mrs. Cook, so her class was divided among the rest of us. It went better than I had expected but it did mess up some plans. The children learned the true meaning of flexibility today.
In spelling we did some practice activities with our spelling words.
In science we watched a Safari video about water ecosystems and continued testing our boats. They did a great job on their boats!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Students test boats they built in science

We will be back to normal this week. Thank goodness! We took our pretest today in spelling.

Many are still missing some poetry assignments. As some of you could tell, one zero or more can really hurt a grade.

In science we tested our boats. They did an awesome job! Those that had them turned in on time will get to participate in the contest for the class prize.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sixth graders finish math testing

We finished our math test today. I was so proud of our class. Each student took his/her time and seemed to concentrate. We are all glad it is over!!!!
In science, we did what yesterday’s classes did, since we only had two rotations. I am anxious to see all four classes each day next week!
Enjoy your three day weekend!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Class finishes poetry project, begins science project

Today we only had one rotation and that was in the afternoon to math. 

While in class we finished poetry.  We also did some activities with words and worked as teams.  

In science we watched a Safari video about the Wright Brothers.  We also started on our flying straws. 

Tomorrow our homeroom will be testing.  Then we have Friday off! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Another busy day in sixth grade

Today we did some art. We also did some activities that that used the forces of flight to work. We made what AIMS calls “super tubes” out of paper. Ask your child about these. It was too windy to test these outside, but we were able to fly them a bit inside. They can’t break anything.
We also went outside and allowed those who brought Diet Coke and Mentos to race their geyser cars. Some had forgotten theirs last week.
Tomorrow our class will begin testing. Please send a healthy snack with your child for in the morning. We will have it before we go to the lab for our test. You may also send a juice or Gatorade drink with your child. Please remind them that all they need to do is their best. That is all we can ask of them.
If you haven’t sent your letter of encouragement please send them first thing in the morning.
In writer’s workshop those of us who weren’t finished with Poetry Ringo, or another poetry assignment, worked on those. There is no reason why anyone should have any missing assignments. Mid Terms come home Thursday.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Poetry Ringo presentations start in sixth grade

Today students performed their poems they memorized from Poetry Ringo. Those that weren’t prepared will do so next week but points will be deducted.
In science we reviewed chemical changes and started a lab.
Our class will begin testing on Tuesday. Since the tests are online now, only two classes a day may test. If you have not sent your child’s letter of encouragement, please do so.
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Test practice means kids miss writing workshop

We had to go to computer lab to take the math practice test.  Fortunately, it worked today. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to write today.  Tomorrow we will make up for it!
In science we finished our projects.  I hope everyone is working on his/her boats.  For those who left their diet sodas and Mentos at home Wednesday, we will be doing them again tomorrow, weather permitting.

Remember: Poetry Ringo books are due tomorrow, and sixth graders should be ready to perform their poems.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Class studies Newton's Third Law of Motion by racing geyser cars

Getting ready to race...
...and they're off!
We had to go to computers today to take the math practice test.  However, our lovely technology didn’t cooperate.  So we came back to class.
In science we worked with textures and we raced our Steve Spangler cars.  Ask your child about this!  They were a hit and I have told them we might do them again if time allows.
The cars demonstrate Newton's Third Law of Motion -- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  When the Mentos geyser erupts out of the two-liter bottle in one direction (action), the car rockets off in the other direction (reaction).

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Students experiment with poetry patterns

We aren’t doing spelling this week or next, due to testing and preparation. 
In writer’s workshop today we worked with another poem pattern.  We chose the ABAB pattern.  In this pattern, lines 1 and 3 rhyme and lines 2 and 4 rhyme in a stanza.  I gave 2 lines and each child wrote the next 2 and those that wanted shared theirs.  Then each child wrote all four lines of a stanza and shared, if so desired.  This was done quickly and I was impressed at how quickly they were able to do this. 
In science we did a lab, handed out boat information, and did an art project to relieve a little pre-test stress.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Students can make 'geyser cars' -- if parents send 2 liter plastic soft drink bottle

The video above of the Geyser cars was shot at Science Museum Oklahoma.  Look closely
at the first of the video and you'll see your teacher!

Today we found out we had to go into the lab to take the practice test before next week’s actual test. We had a few glitches, but all were fixed easily. I think since the children have grown up on computers and technology they will do fine.
It even took up almost all of our time in science. However, we were able to do a lab in homeroom that we did last week, but we did it incorrectly. Other classes finished their quiz.
I sent home a note about Wednesday. I have managed to come into some Steve Spangler Geyser cars. But with 100 students I cannot supply a 2 liter diet Coke and a package of mentos for everyone. So anyone that brings their own on Wednesday will get to participate in a race. It has to be diet! 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Students finish poems, do science lab experiment

In spelling we took our weekly test.

In writer’s workshop we either finished one of our ongoing poems or illustrated our two-worder poem.

In science we had a quiz and did a lab that involved baking soda and vinegar.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Students write in science, prepare for labs tomorrow

Students write about the wonders of the universe in science.
In writer’s workshop we worked on our ongoing poetry project.

In science we wrote about marvels of our universe. We also got to read another science newspaper. Tomorrow we will be doing a couple of labs.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sixth graders continue to work on Poetry Ringo project

Today the sixth graders continued to work on their poems and their Poetry Ringo project.  It's exciting to see sixth graders turning on to poetry.  So often people approach poetry with a negative attitude and they're just predisposed not to like it.  But when sixth graders see how much fun it is to read and to write, their perspective changes.  If you haven't yet, ask your student what she or she thinks about poetry.

We played Sparkle in spelling and in science, they read and discussed their science newspapers.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Young authors write "two worder" poems

We used one of our words to add to our lexicons. We chose the word doubtful.
In writer’s workshop we wrote another poem. We used the “Two Worder” format. We did a couple of these as a class before students wrote their own. Here is one we wrote about Abraham Lincoln.
Abe Lincoln
Tall hat
Poofy beard
Sixteenth president
Civil War
Lincoln memorial
Loved books
Honest Abe
Had children
Real nice
Gettysburg Address
He wrestled
Ended slavery
Was assassinated.
In science we read the next section in our text then worked in groups to answer questions.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Students finish poem, work on biome unit

In spelling we took our pretest and corrected the missed words rainbow style.
In writer’s workshop we finished our blackout poems. They are considered late if they weren’t turned in today. Starting tomorrow, ten points will be deducted from the grade each day.
In science we looked up words that are important to our biome unit. We also discussed making boats. There will be more information about this later.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Class finishes poems, begins studying biomes

We took our spelling test today, and most did very well!
In writer’s workshop we finished up our “Blackout Poems.” These are on display in the hall, along with our other poetry.
In science we started chapter 12. I am excited about this chapter, as it is about ecosystems and biomes. We will be doing a research project over biomes but will work around testing.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Students experiment with new form of poetry

We tried something new today in writer’s workshop.  A poet has put out a book with newspaper pages that have been blacked out except for the words he wanted left on the pages.  These words formed a poem.  So we took pages from discarded library books and tried our hand at it.  I can’t wait to read them. If you want to check out a video of what we're doing, click here.

In science we finished our newspaper in 3 of the classes.  Since my class takes them home, they will finish them tomorrow.  They get to actually write on the newspaper. 
Tomorrow is popcorn day.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Young scientists work with the Periodic Table

In spelling we played sparkle and did a practice assignment.
In writer’s workshop we continued to work on our Poetry Ringo.
In science we went over our test, corrected them, and worked with periodic table.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Writers begin poetry unit

Today was a great day in writer’s workshop. Not only did we get more time to work on our second argumentative piece, but we started our 2 week poetry assignment. It is called ‘Poetry Ringo.” It is due Friday, April 19th. On that day your child should be ready to perform a poem of his/her choice by memory. We discussed the difference in reading the poem and performing it. This assignment is worth 4 grades.
In science we took our chapter 10 test.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Everybody ready to get back to learning after Easter break

I was glad everyone had a great Easter and seemed ready for another week of school!
In spelling we took our pretest.
In writing we finished (or should have) writing our piece supporting the other opinion.
In science we wrote down notes from chapter 10 so we would have a study guide. Our test is tomorrow.
Book orders are due Wednesday of this week.