Monday, April 16, 2012

Practice makes perfect ... we hope.

In math we did some more practice. Your child should bring home the practice booklet and go over it tonight. I told them to go through and see if any of them give them any trouble. If so, come see me at recess tomorrow.

In spelling I handed out a list that we will be working with, but will not test on. I chose 15 words from a list of most commonly misspelled words.

We were able to read a chapter in the fifth book of the Shadow Children series today. We are going to use what we know about this series to do some writing later on this week.

Tomorrow is the reading test. Remind your child to get plenty of rest. We have snacks in the morning. If your child needs a big breakfast, I hear that McDonald’s is serving free breakfasts to children who are testing.

Have a great Monday!

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