Friday, January 25, 2013

Students do well on spelling test; parents urged to donate for needed classroom supplies

Our classroom needs a number of school and art supplies, and these
are not provided by the district.  We would really appreciate your
help in buying some of these supplies or sending a small cash
donation that we could use toward the purchase of what we need.
In spelling we took our test, and they did very well!  We only had 10 words, but many were very difficult words. 

In language the students had to tell me what expository writing is and show/give examples.

In science we went to the computer lab.

Notes came home today about a “Classroom Shower.”  We are in need of a few supplies, and appreciate any help you can give.  If you would rather send a monetary donation, I would be happy to purchase the supplies.  Let me know if you need any ideas about our areas of greatest need.

Thank you, in advance!

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