Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blog has 1,000 visitors

We just passed 1,000 visitors to this blog, which only began this fall.  That's lots of folk from the Broadmoore family, and even lots of visitors from around the world.  Thanks for your support!

It was great to be back and to see everyone’s smiling faces! 

I love January
And seeing children
In their new shoes, clothes and bling.
It makes my face smile
And my heart sing.

In math we took a chapter 5 review quiz.  I wanted to make sure that we all remember how to work with fractions.  We also added “absolute value” to our spiral.  We are going to be adding several vocabulary words, along with examples.

In spelling we did a language arts review over complete/incomplete sentences and sentence types. 

In language we wrote Snowball Sentences.  We start with one word then add one on each line, using words that begin with the same sound.  (alliteration)

Have a great Wednesday evening!

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