Monday, September 24, 2012

Class does a great job presenting their book in Rise 'n Shine

Today we had our Rise ‘n Shine and all of you should be proud of your child, because each student helped in one way or another with our presentation.  Not all were on stage but all helped with the writing of our book that we shared this morning.

In spelling we took our pre-test.  I will put the words on Spelling City as soon as I am finished with the blog.

In science we checked our notebooks, as they are a large part of our grade and some were not caught up.  It is important that if your child misses, he/she needs to talk to a classmate to see if anything was added to our notebooks.  It will be written on the absent note, as well, but it is good practice to ask a classmate. 

Tomorrow we will be working on problem in a story for writing.

Tomorrow is also Grandparent’s Night.  I hope to see you there.

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