Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Teacher works with writing conferences during writer's workshop

In writing today we went further with the assignment we started yesterday.  I enjoyed conferencing individual writers over their stories.  When I conference, I read what a child has written, then ask questions.  That makes them think about things that they could add to their stories.  This doesn’t mean they erase and rewrite, but add, just as authors do on their stories/pieces.  Writing is a process.  Our saying is, “When you think you’re done, you’ve only just begun!”

In science we started chapter 8.  This is about water, and I don’t know why, but water is so fun!  Of course, during bus duty today, I would have preferred a little less precipitation!  Your child had 5 questions to answer on page 254 of his/her text.

Book orders went home yesterday.  To order online go to  Our online code is J34XP.  Tuesday is the due date.

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