Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Students look at sentence structures, science observations

In writing we took a minute quiz on sentence structures.  We also finished up our haunted house stories and I will send them to our writing coach so that they may be published. 

In science we did individual rock trials, three per rock.  It is like we did as a group yesterday, but too many were writing down what the person before them counted I decided we needed to do them ourselves.  This way the students were predisposed to write a certain number.  The children are a bit confused by how much math we use in science.  But you can’t do one without the other!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Young authors wrap up work on stories

Today was the last day to work on stories.  If your child didn’t finish, he/she may bring it tomorrow.

In science we did more with our “Let’s Rock” activity.  We did three tests for each rock sample then got an average. 

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Finishing a project in writing, starting a new one in science

We took our spelling pretest today and added a couple of words to make it an even 20.  We added abyss and abysmal.  These are words that came up last week when we had our writing coach here. 

I have told the class to have their haunted house stories close to ready tomorrow, as it will be the last day we work on them.  I will email them to our writing coach, and he is going to put them together to make a class book for us. 

In science we started an art project that shows the layers that have to be drilled through in the search for oil.  We also did an activity to simulate seismography that is used to locate certain types of rocks.  If you haven’t had a conversation with your child about what we are doing in science, please do.  I think you will find it fascinating.

Have a marvelous Monday!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Students urged to participate in Red Ribbon parade tomorrow

We took our spelling test today and worked on our haunted house stories.  We will finish our stories on Monday, so that we can put them together to make a book of haunted house stories.

For science we spent the day in computer lab. 

Tomorrow is the Red Ribbon parade.  The parade line begins on Broadway and extends west along NW 5th Street.  Broadmoore has been assigned the 58th position, which should be along the 5th Street.  We are encouraged to represent Broadmoore by dressing in RED and walking along the parade route.  Plan to meet around 9:45 a.m.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sixth graders look at compound words, revise their writing, hear guest speaker in science

Today we worked with our spelling words and talked about how some compound words are not just one words at times.

We also honed our haunted house stories.

In science we had a guest speaker, Mr. Henson, for Red Ribbon Week.

Tomorrow is wear red, white, and blue day.

An 'awesome' day in sixth grade

We had an awesome day today!  Everyone was here and that is always nice! 

In writing we had a follow-up lesson on “Show, don’t tell.”  I saw true magic in the classroom, as children that normally struggle with what to write, started writing and had to be stopped at lunchtime. 

In science we finished our acrostics and checked over our notebooks.  With a new nine weeks, I didn’t want anyone starting our behind.  Once a student gets behind in his/her notebook, it is very difficult to recover.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Writers learn to show, not tell, in their writing

Tomorrow is Wacky Hair Day at Broadmoore

In writing we did a “Show, don’t tell” lesson.  We folded a piece of paper into 8 boxes and I gave a word or description and each child drew what they thought it could be.  I started out very general, until the end and I gave very specific descriptive words and we all ended up with a large, purple teddy bear with green polka-dots, a pink heart, a cute face, two arms, and two legs. 

In science we revisited yesterday’s lesson and discussed which rock was the “thirstiest” or was the most porous.  We then put the four samples in order of porosity.  We discussed how if sandstone could hold or store water, it could also store other liquids, such as oil.  We then wrote an acrostic that had to give me three facts about our lessons in the Fossils to Fuel curriculum.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Another busy day of learning for sixth graders

We took our spelling pre-test today.  We also wrote an acrostic, using “Broadmoore” and used that as our handwriting exercise.

In science we did an activity called thirsty rocks.  We labeled and drew each rock sample.  We then made predictions about what would happen to water when dropped onto rock.  After predictions were made and written in INK, we tested our predictions, and recorded our results.

This is week is red ribbon week.  Tomorrow is pajama day, but please keep in mind how the weather is and what shoes you need for recess and/or P. E.  Wednesday is crazy hair day, which is every day for the science teacher.  Thursday is the day we wear boots so we can “give the boot to drugs!”  Friday is elect to be drug free day and we will wear red, white, and blue.  The Red Ribbon Parade is Saturday at 10:00.  When we know when and where we will be meeting, I will let you know!

Have a marvelous Monday with your family!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Jacobs' Jewels blog is on Fall Break, too.  See you back here next Monday for more sixth-grade news.  And until then, enjoy your time with your family ... if you can pry them away from the video games:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Students use scientific method, their senses, and writing to explore properties of rocks

Today in science we did a lesson that integrates language arts and the scientific method.  We began with the Byrd Baylor book Everybody Needs a Rock. It's a book that talks about rocks in beautiful poetic language.  Then we went on to write a want-ad for a lost rock -- that pulls on the skills of scientific observation and descriptive writing.  We also weighed and measured rocks and used our senses to find the properties of rocks.

I hope you and your family have a great fall break!

Monday, October 15, 2012

One more day ... then Fall Break!

Remember, there is no school for students this Wednesday through Friday.

But until then, we're keeping busy.  Today was a day of testing -- we took our nine weeks language arts test as well as our science test.

Friday, October 12, 2012

It's computer lab day in sixth grade

Today was our computer lab day in sixth grade -- and that means students are working individually on computers in lab instead of working in our classroom.  And it means there's not much to report on what we were doing because every student is working on an individualized improvement plan at his or her on pace on the computer.

We did take a spelling test today.  And for the really fun part of the day, in writing workshop they shared more about their stories.  We have studied how professional writers introduce a problem in books and stories to keep the reader interested -- you want to read on because you want to find out what happened and how the problem or conflict was resolved.  Your sixth grade writer is doing the same thing, and right now they are sharing their problems and how they are going to resolve them.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sixth grade has lots of writing talent

We are finishing our stories. It has been interesting to hear the problems, characters, and solutions. I have seen a lot of writing talent!

In science we checked some of our notes from yesterday. We also did an oil and water observation. Ask your child about this, as many of us were surprised. I love seeing the “AHA” moments!

Tomorrow is picture day. It is also our spelling test.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A note from the teacher

I was out sick with a stomach bug today, but I think I'll be back in the classroom tomorrow.  Tell your child that the teacher spent most of the day sleeping!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Student authors share some of their writing in class

We were able to share some of our stories today.  Since we have been working on the how to include problem/conflict in stories to increase reader interest, we worked a little bit with that, before going through how to build a character for our story. 

In science we did a summarization activity with pages 21-24.  We will be taking our nine weeks test next Monday.

Don’t forget that class pictures are this Friday.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Students work on handwriting, spelling, science notebooks

Today we took our spelling pre-test, and our handwriting assignment was a birthday poem I found.

 My First Birthday Gift
By Sandra Liatos
They didn’t give me
a doll, or book,
a stuffed giraffe
or game.
On the day I was born
my present
was my name!
In science we looked at our bottles, and compared them to what they looked (and smelled) like on Thursday and today.  We then took them to the dumpster after putting our findings in our notebook.  We also worked with cornstarch and water.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Parents, please urge your sixth grader to spend time on spelling website

Today we took our weekly spelling test. Some are not studying as well as they should. These words are on and this is a free website. Please remind your child to practice his/her words.

We are still honing our stories in writers’ workshop.

For science, it was our day to go to computer lab.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Writers continue working on compositions

In writing today we worked on our stories.  We also did a review on sentence endings.

In science we took our quiz.  We also started our “It’s a Gas” lesson.  We used tuna, sand, lettuce, and pond water.  Ask your child about this activity.

Oops! I forgot to send home the accountability pages for your child.  I apologize and will send them tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sixth graders work on spelling, play spelling game

In spelling we used our words in sentences and found those spelled correctly in one section and incorrectly in another.  We also used two of them in a sentence.  If your child got home and forgot the two words -- they were exaggerate and daughter.  We also played a game on as a class.

We continued working on our new stories.

In science we went over yesterday’s notes and checked them.  We also discussed why answers were wrong or right.  We will have a quiz over sections 1 and 2 tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A good day of learning in sixth grade

Today was a good day in sixth grade.  In writing we worked more with problem.  We brainstormed characters and possible problems and the kids were excited about writing their stories.

In science we had a review over sections one and two.  We will take a science quiz over these sections Thursday.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Good to be back!

It was certainly great to be back in the classroom today! It was a great opportunity, but I was glad to be back.

In spelling we took our pre-test and corrected incorrectly spelled words.
We copied our quote for handwriting. Today may be the last day that our handwriting assignment is so short, as some are not doing their best. I told the class that if each does not do his/her best, then I will assume we need much more practice and lengthen our handwriting assignments.

In writer’s workshop we introduced problem. That is what makes a story, a story. We will continue working on that tomorrow.

In science we took core samples from our fossil sandwiches that we made last Tuesday. Ask your child about this activity. In discussing it with each class, I can tell they enjoyed it because they were able to tell me their procedures.

Have a great Monday evening!