Monday, October 29, 2012

Finishing a project in writing, starting a new one in science

We took our spelling pretest today and added a couple of words to make it an even 20.  We added abyss and abysmal.  These are words that came up last week when we had our writing coach here. 

I have told the class to have their haunted house stories close to ready tomorrow, as it will be the last day we work on them.  I will email them to our writing coach, and he is going to put them together to make a class book for us. 

In science we started an art project that shows the layers that have to be drilled through in the search for oil.  We also did an activity to simulate seismography that is used to locate certain types of rocks.  If you haven’t had a conversation with your child about what we are doing in science, please do.  I think you will find it fascinating.

Have a marvelous Monday!

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