Thursday, February 28, 2013

Writers want more time to work on poems for their new poetry book

Even though I said yesterday was the last day we were going to work on the poems, many were almost through and wanted to type them.  So we did work on them for the last time in class today.  We will make a book out of the ones that are turned in by Tuesday’s a deadline.  If your child misses the deadline, he/she still has to turn it in for a grade.
In science we started on our OERB safety posters.  There are cash prizes involved, as well as getting winning posters on next year’s calendar that they send out to teachers all over the state. 
Next week starts our “Pennies for Pasta” campaign.  This is a fundraiser for leukemia and lymphoma.  Here is the schedule for next week’s extra incentives:
  • Monday, March 4:  Bring $1.00 to wear a hat.
  • Tuesday, March 5:  Bring $1.00 to sit anywhere at lunch.
  • Wednesday, March 6:  Bring $1.00 for a Homework Pass/”Oops I forgot pass”
  • Thursday, March 7:  Bring $1.00 to duct tape Mrs. Balderrama to the cafeteria wall.
  • Friday, March 8:  Bring $1.00 for pajama day.

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