To say that today was an interesting one, would be the understatement of the year! One of our 6th grade team members had to be gone, and her sub canceled this morning. So there was no sub, and the remaining teachers split the class. But the good news is that while this was a little stressful, the children handled it well for the most part!
In math we divided those integers that we have been working with. Division works as multiplication. If the signs are different the quotient is negative, but if the signs are the same the quotient is positive.
In language we wrote a poem about a cherished item. I had them pretend they were moving and you told them they could only take one thing in the move. I gave them pattern that I had from a book I use and they had to write their own poem. We also visited my old blog from my previous school, I wanted them to see some examples of other authors.
We took our spelling test.
Have a great weekend!