Monday, March 5, 2012

Students use protractors in math

In math we worked with measuring angles using a protractor.  Many had a little trouble using the protractor, but we worked with it in class and most finished his/her assignment in class.

In language we did a prewriting assignment for argumentative writing using the question, “Should 30 minutes be added to each school day?”  I told them it is important to make a prewriting list of pros and cons.  Many times a student will think one way but after making the list will see that they see the other side is a better idea/solution.

In spelling we worked with a list of 11 words.  We did fractions using our words today.  For example, the word extend has 2/6 vowels.  In simplest form it would be 1/3 vowels.  Consonants would be 4/6, and 2/3 in simplest form.

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