Friday, March 2, 2012

Geometry and poetry -- what a day in sixth grade!

In math we went over geometric shapes and terms that go along with them.  We then did an activity that described one of four groups, either cones, prisms, pyramids, or cylinders.  There were individual sentences and the children placed the descriptions with the correct group.  For example, one of the strips said, “There is one vertex and there are no edges.”  Then, using different sides of the shapes, we made pictures.

In spelling we took a test. 

In language we wrote poems.  These were called 2 Word poems.  Each line had only two words.  We did one as a shared writing.


Are awesome,
Have fun
Hang out
With friends
Sleep in
Watch TV
Party rockin’!

                                                6th Grade Jewels

Your child had to choose whether to do his/her poem over himself/herself, a friend, a famous person, or a day of the week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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