Monday, October 31, 2011

Classes work on skills in math and language

Today we did an enrichment page from chapter 3. Fortunately, they kept saying it was easyJ

I also gave those who didn’t like their grades on skills pages 25-26 an opportunity to correct them. Some chose not to, and I put that on their papers so that parents would be aware. Tomorrow we start chapter 4.

In language we did a pretest for subject-verb agreement.

In spelling we looked up two words from our list in groups. We then went over them and assigned wb pages 70-71.

I hope everyone has a great night!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Students take another math test

We took our chapter 3 test today, after we checked the quizzes.  Some are still having trouble placing the decimal.  We will continue to work with this.

In spelling we took a test by choosing the correct words and deciding if a word was used correctly.

In language we worked with commas and apostrophes. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Students work on word problems

Remember word problems
when you were in school?
Today we worked in groups on individual word problems.  People either love word problems or hate them.  In all my years teaching, I have never seen anyone that thought they were “so-so.”  Since in math we are having to do more explaining when we solve a problem, each group had to present to the class how their group came up with the answer.  Your child has 3 mini quizzes coming home tonight.  If it comes back signed tomorrow, it is worth 5 bonus points.  Our chapter test is tomorrow, and if your child feels comfortable with these quizzes, he/she will do fine on the quiz.

In spelling we acted out our spelling word with a partner.  Not everyone got a turn so we will finish in the morning before our test. 

In language we had a special lesson with Ms. Massey on getting along.  She said something that I have always thought.  Our classroom is a family.  In fact, we spend as much, if not more, waking time with each other than our real family.  We discussed that sometimes we may not get along but there are good ways and bad ways to handle things.  We also talked about how teasing, or hitting lightly as a joke, can sometimes be taken too far, and thought funny only by the ones that are doing the teasing or hitting. 

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Students review 9 weeks test

Today we went over our 9 week test and were allowed to correct their missed problems.  They had to correct them in class, though.  They were not allowed to take them away from class.  Our assignment for today was in our Skills Workbook -- pages 25-26, evens only, were assigned.

In spelling we finished this unit’s workbook pages with pages 67-68.

In language we used a text we have and we talked about double negatives and superlatives.  We discussed how we knew which one to use.  Often times, I told them, you just listen and see which one sounds correct. 

Have a great evening with your family!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Students are now working on division with decimals

We started division with decimals today.  It seemed to create some grief for some, but we did several together.  We will also continue working with them tomorrow.  If your child has trouble, he/she may come in at recess for help.  I know the district has us moving at a quick pace.  But I am willing to help your child whenever is a good time for him/her.  If you need my phone number, just call the office.  I don’t feel comfortable putting it on the blog.

In language we practiced the skill of listening, by reading more of Hatchet.  We are almost through.  I hope the children are enjoying it as much as I.  I had never read this book.

In spelling we worked with synonyms and words being used correctly.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Back to work for 6th graders

Today went well, unless you count everyone saying they wish they had one more day of fall breakJ 

In spelling we started a new unit and used them to replace words in sentences and found the correct ones using context clues in a story.

In language we worked on editing, not to be confused with revision.  Editing is making sure the mechanics of a piece are correct.  Revision is improving a piece. For example:

                The day was Monday.  It was cloudy.  We had to stay inside. 

Now that is a piece of writing that is written correctly.  But I don’t think any of us would want to read a book filled with such sentences. 

In math we divided decimals by whole numbers.  Some had to come in and finish their 9 weeks test.  I didn’t feel it fair to them, as 45 minutes was not enough time for many to finish his/her test, so I had them come in at lunch. 

Have a great Monday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Have a great break!  See you Monday.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

6th graders take 9-week math test

Today we took our 9 week’s math test.  If your child didn’t finish, he/she will be allowed to finish next week.  However, the grade will not be included in this 9 week’s grades.

In language we finished assignments and read silently.

Have a fabulous fall break!

Monday, October 17, 2011

6th graders do excellent job leading Rise 'n Shine

First of all, our class did an excellent job at the Rise ‘n Shine this morning.  I love seeing the children perform. 

Today we went over Friday’s work in math and reviewed for tomorrow’s 9-week test.  There will be examples from all that we have covered since the first day of sixth grade.  If your child brought home his/her math book he/she may look over the practice tests for chapters 1 and 2 and up to lesson 7 in chapter 3.

In language we took our 9 weeks test.

There is no spelling this week because of fall break.

I look forward to seeing those who signed up for a conference.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Students work on multiplying with decimals, prepare for Monday's Rise 'n Shine song

We worked on multiplying with decimals in both numbers today.  We did a great “eye-opening” math lab with 100 blocks.  We colored 0.7 of it in one color.  Then with another color we colored 0.6 of it but the opposite way.  If the first was colored horizontally, then the second was colored vertically.  The outcome was that the overlapping area was the answer to the multiplication problem 0.7 x 0.6. 

In language we worked on our Rise ‘n Shine song for Monday.  I am going to try and learn how to use my flip camera and see if someone can capture it.  You are welcome to attend. 

In spelling we took our test that concentrated on antonyms and synonyms. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Multiplying decimals in sixth grade

We multiplied decimals by whole numbers today. After remembering to line up decimals in an addition or subtraction problem I had to reinforce that we do NOT line up decimals when writing the multiplication problem. Tomorrow we will multiply with both numbers being decimals.

In language we reviewed skills, such as using apostrophes correctly and finding the best way to write a sentence by choosing the best choice.

In spelling we worked with synonyms and analogies. They did quite well with the analogies. I was happily surprised. These can give students a very rough time!

We will be taking our 9-weeks math test next week, as well as our language test. We are reviewing the skills we have covered in both subjects.

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A day in the life of your sixth grader

Here'a day in the life of your sixth grader:

  • In writing workshop, students finished their "recipe for friendship" books.
  • In spelling, we worked with synonyms.
  • In math, we did a mid-chapter review.

Don't forget that book orders are due on Oct. 20.  You may order online by clicking on the Scholastic Book Order logo in the right-hand column.  The activation code for ordering is J34XP.

Have a great Wednesday evening with your sixth grader.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

6th graders to lead Rise 'n Shine next Monday

We are in charge of Rise ‘n Shine next Monday.  We are working on a song to share. 

In math we went over some of the skills we have introduced in lessons 1-3.  Tonight’s assignment was Wb 45-all, and 46-evens only.

In spelling we did Wb 50 but your child only has to choose 3 words to write a sentence with.  We also did page 51 and the antonyms 1-15.

In writing we started our Recipes for Friendship.  Just like any other recipe your child is to list the ingredients first, such as a cup of kind words, 2 tsp. of caring, etc.  After the ingredients have been listed he/she is to then write the directions.  These will be on display in the hall for parent-teacher conferences.

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, October 10, 2011

A great day in math; writers finish their books

Today was a great day in math. We did more with rounding but in different ways. We worked with rounding, rounding by clustering, and front-end estimation. The reason it was so great is because several of the students said things like, “Now, it makes sense!” That is always nice to hear in a classroom. We took a quiz over the first three lessons in chapter 3 and our assignment was the evens on WB page 44.

In spelling we are reviewing the words we used in units 1-3. The assignment was to do pages 48-49. It goes into page 50 for a very little bit, but not much.

In writer’s workshop we should have finished our books. These will be on display at parent-teacher conferences.

Have a great Monday!

Friday, October 7, 2011

A busy day in sixth grade

We were quite busy today, especially with pictures. That took part of our time in the afternoon. So if your child didn’t finish his/her assignment he/she needs to do the evens on workbook pages 41-42.

We took a test in spelling.

In language we finished up our books. If your child didn’t finish then he/she needs to finish the book this weekend.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tomorrow is school picture day

Let me tell you: Your child’s Thursday folder is full tonight! There are many notes about upcoming events, so please go through them carefully.

In math we broke into small groups and ordered decimals. I made this activity so that the children could work together and help one another. But it ended up being so much more helpful. As I walked around and checked the groups’ finished product, I saw that many were making the same mistake. That helps me in making plans for other decimal lessons. The most confusion I saw was children thinking that 1.49 was larger than 1.5. We discussed how a tray of brownies could be divided into 100 pieces and 10 pieces. Which is more? Less? We will continue to work on this! If your child didn’t finish his assignment then he/she needs to do finish WB pages 39-40….EVENS only.
Tomorrow is popcorn day!

In spelling we worked with antonyms and synonyms. There were several different lessons in our book. I made three mandatory, and your child got to choose a fourth.

In Writer’s Workshop we continued working on our “Things I’m Not Allowed to Do Anymore” books. They are coming along nicely!

Tomorrow is picture day, as well as popcorn day.
picture day.

Book orders are due by October 20.  You may order online, and the activation code is J34XP.

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Young authors study book to see how writers come up with ideas

It was nice being back with the class today.  We started chapter 3 with decimals.  We took a number and wrote it in several different ways.  For example 2.17 written in words is two and seventeen hundredths.  In money it is drawn with two one dollar bills, 1 dime, and seven pennies.  We also wrote it on a place value chart, drew it using base ten blocks, and drew it using a decimal model.  The assignment was practice wb 37-38, doing only the even ones.

In spelling we read a story with our words then chose the correct word for each question.

In language we did a shared writing lesson.  I read a book, 17 Things I’m not Allowed to Do Anymore.  We discussed how authors came up with ideas and how this particular author may have come up with this unique idea.  An example from the book is, “I had an idea to staple my brother’s hair to his pillow…….I’m not allowed to use the stapler anymore.”  The children enjoyed it and loved brainstorming about other things that could be said.  They have practice booklets to jot their own stories in.  When we are done, we will publish these.

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Teacher becomes a student in math workshop

The teacher became a student today -- I was out of class to attend a math workshop.  It was a really good workshop that gave me valuable information and activities that I can use to help students with their math, so the day was time well spend for me.

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, my substitute gave the students a chapter 2 test in math.  In spelling, they worked with new words and definitions, and in writing, they worked in their writer's notebooks and examined words that have multiple meanings.

I'll be back in the classroom tomorrow.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Students begin work on their lexicons

In math today we reviewed our chapter 2 vocabulary with an open book quiz.  Your child was given it back until he/she corrected it, until class was out.  We also did a review page of choosing and making the best displays for 3 sets of data.

In spelling today we did our first page for our lexicon.  It took longer than it will later on.  The first one always takes the longest.  We take a word and do several things with it, as well as some math practice with the page number the word was found on.  We will do these throughout the year and add them alphabetically.  This took our writing and language time today.  Tomorrow we will make up by writing for almost the entire time.