Friday, October 14, 2011

Students work on multiplying with decimals, prepare for Monday's Rise 'n Shine song

We worked on multiplying with decimals in both numbers today.  We did a great “eye-opening” math lab with 100 blocks.  We colored 0.7 of it in one color.  Then with another color we colored 0.6 of it but the opposite way.  If the first was colored horizontally, then the second was colored vertically.  The outcome was that the overlapping area was the answer to the multiplication problem 0.7 x 0.6. 

In language we worked on our Rise ‘n Shine song for Monday.  I am going to try and learn how to use my flip camera and see if someone can capture it.  You are welcome to attend. 

In spelling we took our test that concentrated on antonyms and synonyms. 

Have a great weekend!

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