Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Young authors study book to see how writers come up with ideas

It was nice being back with the class today.  We started chapter 3 with decimals.  We took a number and wrote it in several different ways.  For example 2.17 written in words is two and seventeen hundredths.  In money it is drawn with two one dollar bills, 1 dime, and seven pennies.  We also wrote it on a place value chart, drew it using base ten blocks, and drew it using a decimal model.  The assignment was practice wb 37-38, doing only the even ones.

In spelling we read a story with our words then chose the correct word for each question.

In language we did a shared writing lesson.  I read a book, 17 Things I’m not Allowed to Do Anymore.  We discussed how authors came up with ideas and how this particular author may have come up with this unique idea.  An example from the book is, “I had an idea to staple my brother’s hair to his pillow…….I’m not allowed to use the stapler anymore.”  The children enjoyed it and loved brainstorming about other things that could be said.  They have practice booklets to jot their own stories in.  When we are done, we will publish these.

Have a great Wednesday!

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