Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sixth graders put in full day of math and language arts activities

In math we did the opposite of yesterday’s lesson.  Yesterday we took decimals and turned them into fractions.  Today we took fractions and turned them into decimals.  We are adding a lot of information to our spirals and folders.  Since your child is allowed to use these during lessons and test, he/she needs to make sure his/her spirals and folders are up to date. 

In spelling we worked with antonyms, synonyms, and analogies.

In writing we did a shared writing lesson.  We first gathered our thoughts in a web, then put those items in a time line.  We then started our first draft.  Also, on another writing note, information went home about a contest sponsored by the Oklahoma Writing Project.  Your child will receive a 100 to replace his/her lowest grade in language for entering.

Please remind your child to look for our book, Hatchet.  It has been misplaced. 

Have a great Wednesday!

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