Thursday, December 29, 2011


Dear Jewels,

I know I told you to check the blog for the answers to the Holiday Math problems, but my copy was left at school, and I don't have a key.  I apologize.  If I get there before school starts, and I plan to, I will get  my copy and post answers. 

I hope all of you and your families are having a great break!  Madison and I are enjoying ours.  We are playing games and watching late-night television!  We even made popcorn the old-fashioned way last night.  We used the kernels from a bag and cooked them on top of the stove.  It was great.  It was also funny when we realized we poured more than we needed.  The popcorn started spilling out from between the pan and its lid!

I can't wait to see you next year!

Ms. Jacobs

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