Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today in sixth grade: fractions, reciprocals, pronouns, antecedents, spelling ... and a party to come

In math we divided fractions and mixed numbers today.  We also discussed what reciprocal meant.  Your child’s assignments are WB 92-evens plus #21 and WB 94-evens plus #13.

In language we worked more with pronouns (possessive, subject, and object).  We also practiced finding the antecedents.

Text book spellers had to match the word to the correct sentence.  The Word Skills people did pages 137-138.

Notes about our Christmas party next week came home.  If your child has prepaid for the year, then he/she only needs to bring $1 to cover cost of prizes.  If not, he/she needs to bring $3.  All that will be provided is pizza, so your child may bring an individual drink.  You may also send chips, dip, cookies, or anything else you would like.  Thank you, in advance!

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