Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy holidays to all sixth graders and their famlies

Those who had to retake the spelling test took it today.

Instead of going to computer lab in science, we finished our lab we started yesterday.  When we come back from the break we will do the lab again, but with a full can of soda this time.

I hope all of you have a very merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Writers learn writing tools in workshop

Today in writer's workshop we had a lesson on the writer’s toolbox. The kids learned how writers use nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, dialogue, and focus.

In science we did another lab similar to the last one, where the height of the ramp was our independent variable (what we changed on purpose). This time, however, we used four different balls, with each one having a different mass. We will finish this tomorrow. We took three trials on each ball and found the average, so it took a little longer.

Please help your child remember to remain at his/her best behavior as some are forgetting we are still in school.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Class takes language arts test

We took our language arts test today. Most did very well on it. It just shows how doing writers’ workshop helps them in all aspects of writing.
In science those who didn’t finish their 9 weeks test had the opportunity to do so today.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Students enjoy field trip at museum

All of sixth grade visited Science Museum Oklahoma this week, courtesy of the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board.  We got the free field trip because I teach an OERB-sponsored unit on Oklahoma energy resources as part of our science curriculum.  I do workshops throughout the state on that curriculum, which I helped to write, as part of my work as one of OERB's Master Teachers.

The students were really great and represented Broadmoore well. Ask your sixth grader about all the activities and special programs at the museum today.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Science Museum field trip is tomorrow

For those that are doing spelling this week, we wrote our words in alphabetical order.

In science we took our 9 weeks test.  If your child didn't finish, he/she may do so on Wednesday.

Tomorrow is our field trip.  A pink note came home today with important information.  Please remind your child that he/she is representing Broadmoore.   

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sixth graders look at homonym pairs, complete story timelines

In spelling we took our test.  This test was over homonym pairs.  Some did very well.  Others did not.  So the plan for next week is to use the same words.  If your child made an “A”, he/she does not have spelling.  He/she will be able to work on other things.  If they don’t have anything I will find them something, if they choose not to use their time well.  If your child made a “B,” he/she had the option of keeping the grade or trying again, with the understanding that the higher grade will go into the grade book.  I wrote on the test what each child with a “B” chose and had each sign his/her name.  Anything below a “B” the child did not get a choice.  He/she will be retaking the test and having spelling next week.

In writers’ workshop, we finished our timelines.  Monday we will start showing how to tell the same story, but from different starting places.

In science, we were in the computer lab.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Students continue to work on retelling a story in writer's workshop

Today we worked again with our spelling words, using them in sentences.

In writers’ workshop I put the students in pairs. Each pair will read a Christmas book and then create a timeline for display. Many children have trouble retelling a story without almost telling every little detail. This is a good way for them to visually see the important details of a story.

Look for notes about next week’s field trip in tomorrow’s folders!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Writers begin work on sequencing of stories

We are starting on sequencing and retelling stories in writers’ workshop.

We took our pretest for spelling today, rather than yesterday.

In science we checked our review from yesterday and discussed it.  Tomorrow we will play a game for a last review before the test on Thursday.

We are going to be working on a huge gingerbread house in class when we have time.  If you could donate graham crackers, icing, sprinkles, candy…anything that we might need for our house, we would appreciate it!

Have a great evening.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today's work: reviewing in language arts and in science

We reviewed adjectives in language arts.

In science we reviewed chapter 3 and will go over those tomorrow.  If your child didn’t finish his review, he/she needs to do page 93-94, numbers 1-19, and all of page 95, which has only 7 questions.  Many finished before leaving today and will have no science homework.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Field trip permission forms due

Our field trip to Science Museum Oklahoma is Dec. 18.  If your sixth grader has not returned his/her permission form yet, please be sure it comes to school next week.  Permission forms need to be in  before the trip.

Today we had our spelling test and, as always on Friday, students had to spend time in the computer lab.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Students work with using adjectives to describe

Today our young writers worked with one of the important tools all writers have to use -- adjectives.  They began with a diagram and used adjectives to describe themselves.  Later, we will try to guess who wrote what, just using the adjectives.

In science, we reviewed Section 3.3 and answered the questions on page 90.

Doin't forget -- spelling test tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sixth graders prepare for science quiz next week

In spelling today, the class unscrambled their words for this week and chose the correct words for given sentences.

In science, they read pages 84 through 90 and answered questions over Section 3.2.

Please encourage your sixth grader to study chapter 3 in science, dealing with energy and matter.  We will have a test next week.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Students learn about anchoring dialogue in writer's workshop

In writers’ workshop we reviewed internal monologue and introduced anchoring.  Anchoring is when you tell what the person is doing as he/she is thinking or talking.

He thought, “Why did I promise to clean out the garage on a game day?”

With anchoring:
As he stood at the door watching his family enjoy the big game on the big screen television, he thought to himself, “Why did I promise to clean out the garage on a game day?”

In science we did a lab and had to identify the parts of each.  We had a lab sheet to fill out.  We did a lot of math in today’s lesson.  Which proves that science is math is science…………..

Monday, December 3, 2012

Young writers study the use of internal monologue

We took our spelling pretest. 

In writer’s workshop we did another lesson on internal monologue.  This goes well with what the students have been learning about dialogue -- internal monologue is what a character is thinking and dialogue is what he or she is saying.

In science we reviewed last week’s section and discussed section 3-2 today, as well as added notes.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Students create posters to summarize books

The photos on the blog today are of the science summary posters created by our class.  Students summarized books they have read about the oil and gas industry during their study of the OERB-sponsored Fossils to Fuel curriculum.

We took our spelling test today.

In writers' workshop we used another student's great story and learned the term "internal monologue." Dialogue is when characters talk with each other.  Internal monologue is what the characters are thinking.  Our writers really enjoyed working with this new skill.

In Science we went to the computer lab.  if your child did a science fair project, it is due Monday, December 3.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Working with the Oklahoma Writing Project ... and some life-lessons

In spelling we did some lessons using our words.

In Writers' Workshop we discussed the Oklahoma Writing Project.  We will be working on these for the next several days.

In science we took an easy quiz over notes from yesterday.  They were allowed to use their science notebooks.  I purposely made the quiz from the page of notes.  Some chose not to take notes, so they might not consider the quiz as easy as others.  I have had too many trying to wait and copy notes from other students or not write them at all.  Hopefully this will be a good life-lesson learned for those. 

Have a great Thursday evening with your family!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Students look at story written by one of their peers

Today in writer's workshop, we looked at one of the haunted house stories written last week by one of the young authors.  With her permission, I took students through a printed manuscript and showed the many wonderful and advanced literary devices that she had used.  The story, along with others submitted by our writers, is now being prepared for publication.  The students were able to see it in its formatted stage, much like it will appear in print.

In science we had a lesson on taking notes, a crucial skill in high school and college, and certainly for any scientist.  We also reviewed and talked more about kinetic and potential energy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Students begin keyboarding stories from writer's workshop

Today we edited and started typing our turkey stories.  If your child could type and print his/hers at home, that would be great!  Tomorrow we will be moving on to a new lesson.

In science we continued working with potential and kinetic energy with sand and rock observations.  Be sure to ask your child about this.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Students may do activity for extra credit

We took our spelling pretest today and finished our turkey dialogue stories.

In science we discussed energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, and different forms of energy.  Your child was to read pages 71-76.  Also, he/she has an extra credit opportunity.  On page 69 of the text there are two different activities that may be done at home with your permission.  He/She may choose one of those to do.  He/She must tell me what was done, what was used, what happened, and I want a picture or drawing (include labels) of it.  It is due this Friday, November 30th.  We also made an energy vocabulary frame and added it to our notebooks.  We will be doing more of those, as the children seemed to respond well and it was a quick way to gather a lot of information.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sixth graders share stories in writer's workshop

Our young writers worked some more today on their Thanksgiving stories, and some shared with the group.  These were great!  They are really improving as writers.

In science, we wrote thank-you notes to the petroleum scientists who came to share with our classes.  They also finished work on their oil derrick science art.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2012

A day of fun and learning in sixth grade

Book orders are due tomorrow.  Books are great stocking-stuffers!

Since this is a short week, we will not be having spelling.  However we did do a word activity, using a word ladder.  Ask your child about these.

In writing we read a couple of unique Thanksgiving poems, both written by poets who are friends of mine.  Your child then had to write a story, using dialogue, about two turkeys that are getting nervous about the approach of Thanksgiving.

In science we reviewed all of our lessons in our Fossils to Fuel curriculum.  We have gone through the formation of natural gas and fossil fuels through the refinery process.  Today we heated milk and vinegar to show what happens.  We discussed petroleum-based products.

Book orders are due tomorrow.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Students take spelling tests, work on dialogue in stories

We had our spelling test today.  Unfortunately, with the schedule change due to the parties, we did not get to everything.  They were allowed to work on their dialogue stories. 

In science we finished our posters, if we hadn’t.  Then we worked on a community project decorating back packs that will be given to elementary-age children over the holidays.

Book orders were sent home yesterday and are due Tuesday of next week.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Young authors do prewriting for poetry

Today we worked with a prewriting activity into poetry.  We came up with fall words and found rhyming words for some of them. 

We also did a practice page in spelling.  Tomorrow is our test.  Remind your child to study.

In homeroom science we continued working on our posters.  The other three classes had a presentation from Marathon Oil engineers.  The classes did very well.  I was proud.  They asked questions that were relevant and showed they had some prior knowledge.

Tomorrow is our party. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Students study dialogue in book to see how authors use dialogue effectively

We wrote stories using dialogue today.  We also heard Bill Martin, Jr.’s Ghost-Eye Tree to show one example of dialogueWe also discussed how his word choices made the story more scary.

In science we did another lesson on getting the oil out of the ground.  Ask your child about this activity. 

Science Fair notes will be going home tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Science classes study oil drilling

In language today we combined spelling and language.  While some were working on improving their stories, others took turns playing a game on

In science we did a classroom observation showing that the next step in drilling is to figure out how to get the oil out of the ground.  The classes enjoyed this, as I almost passed out by doing this one.  We also had a few minutes for the students to work on their posters that we started yesterday.  Today is the last day they will have to work on them in class.

Friday is re-take day.  If you were unhappy with your pictures or you were absent, you may take pictures that day.  The office has all the information.

The canned food drive is still going on. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

A day of learning and involvement in sixth grade

We had our pretest in spelling today.  Remind your sixth grader to prepare for this week's test by going to our online spelling resource,

My class went to the computer lab to make up for Friday's missed session. On Friday, they had two "petro pros," petroleum scientists from OERB, speak in class.  The reviews were great.

Other classes started book summary posters today.

Have a great evening.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Petroleum scientist speaks to class

Broadmoore's food drive starts Monday.
The teacher was out of town today, but this was a good day to miss because classes were only working in the computer lab.

My science classes did have a special visitor today, a petroleum scientists provided by the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board to talk about how scientists work with the oil industry to find oil.

We had our weekly test in spelling.

Remember that the food drive starts Monday.

Hope your family has a great weekend.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Students learn to punctuate dialogue

In language today we punctuated a page of dialogue.  Learning to use quotations marks correctly is a great skill.  Once they have learned them, they sometimes get carried away with them. 

In science we read another article and answered questions, as well as labeled items by their type of matter. 

Spelling test tomorrow! 

Canned food drive begins next week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Students learn about states of matter

In spelling we worked with our words in many different ways.  We also took turns on on the Smart Board.

In language we did a quick review of using the words to, too, and two.

In science we finished up our derricks.  We also read an article over the three states of matter and answered questions.  We also added a layer to our mural.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Writers work with dialogue

In language we continued working on our dialogue lesson.  The young authors are learning how to write all kinds of dialogue and to punctuate it. We took Friday’s conversation and wrote in play form.  Then we wrote it in dialogue form from that.

In science we finished our oil derricks and tested them.  Some did quite well.  If any group didn’t finish they will be allowed to come in at recess on Wednesday to do so.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Students begin work on oil derrick project

We took our spelling pre-test today.  Remind your child to return his/her corrected pre-test, as it is for a grade.  I had too many students not taking the time to correct their papers.

We also copied a poem called A Special Day by Sandra Liatsos.

In science we started working on the building of our oil derricks.  Each group received 50 straws, 10 paper clips, and 100 cm of masking tape.  They are coming along nicely!

Several have not sent their $3 for the party that we will be having on the 16th.  Please send that as soon as possible.  Thank you in advance for helping out!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lots of A's on today's spelling test

We took our spelling test today.  Almost everyone made an A.  We are closer to our goal of everyone getting one!

In language we started a lesson on dialogue.  A student and I had an impromptu conversation.  We then wrote it out on the Smart Board without dialogue, just using words like ”Ms. Jacobs asked…” and “He told her…”.   On Monday we will take that and write it as a play, then into dialogue. 

In science it was computer lab day……yay!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sixth graders begin doing research in groups

Tomorrow will be our spelling test.  Remind your child that if everyone makes an “A,” I will provide a treat of some sort next week.

In science we started some research in groups but will be doing individual research beginning next week.  Most of this will be able to be done in class.  We also sketched our plans for building an oil derrick out of straws, masking tape, and paper clips.

In language we reviewed types of sentences. 

Tomorrow is Popcorn Day, so your child needs to bring fifty cents if he/she wants popcorn and didn’t pay for the year.

The deadline for Reflection entries is November 15th.  The theme this year is “The Magic of the Moment.”  

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Students look at sentence structures, science observations

In writing we took a minute quiz on sentence structures.  We also finished up our haunted house stories and I will send them to our writing coach so that they may be published. 

In science we did individual rock trials, three per rock.  It is like we did as a group yesterday, but too many were writing down what the person before them counted I decided we needed to do them ourselves.  This way the students were predisposed to write a certain number.  The children are a bit confused by how much math we use in science.  But you can’t do one without the other!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Young authors wrap up work on stories

Today was the last day to work on stories.  If your child didn’t finish, he/she may bring it tomorrow.

In science we did more with our “Let’s Rock” activity.  We did three tests for each rock sample then got an average. 

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Finishing a project in writing, starting a new one in science

We took our spelling pretest today and added a couple of words to make it an even 20.  We added abyss and abysmal.  These are words that came up last week when we had our writing coach here. 

I have told the class to have their haunted house stories close to ready tomorrow, as it will be the last day we work on them.  I will email them to our writing coach, and he is going to put them together to make a class book for us. 

In science we started an art project that shows the layers that have to be drilled through in the search for oil.  We also did an activity to simulate seismography that is used to locate certain types of rocks.  If you haven’t had a conversation with your child about what we are doing in science, please do.  I think you will find it fascinating.

Have a marvelous Monday!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Students urged to participate in Red Ribbon parade tomorrow

We took our spelling test today and worked on our haunted house stories.  We will finish our stories on Monday, so that we can put them together to make a book of haunted house stories.

For science we spent the day in computer lab. 

Tomorrow is the Red Ribbon parade.  The parade line begins on Broadway and extends west along NW 5th Street.  Broadmoore has been assigned the 58th position, which should be along the 5th Street.  We are encouraged to represent Broadmoore by dressing in RED and walking along the parade route.  Plan to meet around 9:45 a.m.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sixth graders look at compound words, revise their writing, hear guest speaker in science

Today we worked with our spelling words and talked about how some compound words are not just one words at times.

We also honed our haunted house stories.

In science we had a guest speaker, Mr. Henson, for Red Ribbon Week.

Tomorrow is wear red, white, and blue day.

An 'awesome' day in sixth grade

We had an awesome day today!  Everyone was here and that is always nice! 

In writing we had a follow-up lesson on “Show, don’t tell.”  I saw true magic in the classroom, as children that normally struggle with what to write, started writing and had to be stopped at lunchtime. 

In science we finished our acrostics and checked over our notebooks.  With a new nine weeks, I didn’t want anyone starting our behind.  Once a student gets behind in his/her notebook, it is very difficult to recover.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Writers learn to show, not tell, in their writing

Tomorrow is Wacky Hair Day at Broadmoore

In writing we did a “Show, don’t tell” lesson.  We folded a piece of paper into 8 boxes and I gave a word or description and each child drew what they thought it could be.  I started out very general, until the end and I gave very specific descriptive words and we all ended up with a large, purple teddy bear with green polka-dots, a pink heart, a cute face, two arms, and two legs. 

In science we revisited yesterday’s lesson and discussed which rock was the “thirstiest” or was the most porous.  We then put the four samples in order of porosity.  We discussed how if sandstone could hold or store water, it could also store other liquids, such as oil.  We then wrote an acrostic that had to give me three facts about our lessons in the Fossils to Fuel curriculum.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Another busy day of learning for sixth graders

We took our spelling pre-test today.  We also wrote an acrostic, using “Broadmoore” and used that as our handwriting exercise.

In science we did an activity called thirsty rocks.  We labeled and drew each rock sample.  We then made predictions about what would happen to water when dropped onto rock.  After predictions were made and written in INK, we tested our predictions, and recorded our results.

This is week is red ribbon week.  Tomorrow is pajama day, but please keep in mind how the weather is and what shoes you need for recess and/or P. E.  Wednesday is crazy hair day, which is every day for the science teacher.  Thursday is the day we wear boots so we can “give the boot to drugs!”  Friday is elect to be drug free day and we will wear red, white, and blue.  The Red Ribbon Parade is Saturday at 10:00.  When we know when and where we will be meeting, I will let you know!

Have a marvelous Monday with your family!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Jacobs' Jewels blog is on Fall Break, too.  See you back here next Monday for more sixth-grade news.  And until then, enjoy your time with your family ... if you can pry them away from the video games:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Students use scientific method, their senses, and writing to explore properties of rocks

Today in science we did a lesson that integrates language arts and the scientific method.  We began with the Byrd Baylor book Everybody Needs a Rock. It's a book that talks about rocks in beautiful poetic language.  Then we went on to write a want-ad for a lost rock -- that pulls on the skills of scientific observation and descriptive writing.  We also weighed and measured rocks and used our senses to find the properties of rocks.

I hope you and your family have a great fall break!

Monday, October 15, 2012

One more day ... then Fall Break!

Remember, there is no school for students this Wednesday through Friday.

But until then, we're keeping busy.  Today was a day of testing -- we took our nine weeks language arts test as well as our science test.

Friday, October 12, 2012

It's computer lab day in sixth grade

Today was our computer lab day in sixth grade -- and that means students are working individually on computers in lab instead of working in our classroom.  And it means there's not much to report on what we were doing because every student is working on an individualized improvement plan at his or her on pace on the computer.

We did take a spelling test today.  And for the really fun part of the day, in writing workshop they shared more about their stories.  We have studied how professional writers introduce a problem in books and stories to keep the reader interested -- you want to read on because you want to find out what happened and how the problem or conflict was resolved.  Your sixth grade writer is doing the same thing, and right now they are sharing their problems and how they are going to resolve them.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sixth grade has lots of writing talent

We are finishing our stories. It has been interesting to hear the problems, characters, and solutions. I have seen a lot of writing talent!

In science we checked some of our notes from yesterday. We also did an oil and water observation. Ask your child about this, as many of us were surprised. I love seeing the “AHA” moments!

Tomorrow is picture day. It is also our spelling test.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A note from the teacher

I was out sick with a stomach bug today, but I think I'll be back in the classroom tomorrow.  Tell your child that the teacher spent most of the day sleeping!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Student authors share some of their writing in class

We were able to share some of our stories today.  Since we have been working on the how to include problem/conflict in stories to increase reader interest, we worked a little bit with that, before going through how to build a character for our story. 

In science we did a summarization activity with pages 21-24.  We will be taking our nine weeks test next Monday.

Don’t forget that class pictures are this Friday.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Students work on handwriting, spelling, science notebooks

Today we took our spelling pre-test, and our handwriting assignment was a birthday poem I found.

 My First Birthday Gift
By Sandra Liatos
They didn’t give me
a doll, or book,
a stuffed giraffe
or game.
On the day I was born
my present
was my name!
In science we looked at our bottles, and compared them to what they looked (and smelled) like on Thursday and today.  We then took them to the dumpster after putting our findings in our notebook.  We also worked with cornstarch and water.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Parents, please urge your sixth grader to spend time on spelling website

Today we took our weekly spelling test. Some are not studying as well as they should. These words are on and this is a free website. Please remind your child to practice his/her words.

We are still honing our stories in writers’ workshop.

For science, it was our day to go to computer lab.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Writers continue working on compositions

In writing today we worked on our stories.  We also did a review on sentence endings.

In science we took our quiz.  We also started our “It’s a Gas” lesson.  We used tuna, sand, lettuce, and pond water.  Ask your child about this activity.

Oops! I forgot to send home the accountability pages for your child.  I apologize and will send them tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sixth graders work on spelling, play spelling game

In spelling we used our words in sentences and found those spelled correctly in one section and incorrectly in another.  We also used two of them in a sentence.  If your child got home and forgot the two words -- they were exaggerate and daughter.  We also played a game on as a class.

We continued working on our new stories.

In science we went over yesterday’s notes and checked them.  We also discussed why answers were wrong or right.  We will have a quiz over sections 1 and 2 tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A good day of learning in sixth grade

Today was a good day in sixth grade.  In writing we worked more with problem.  We brainstormed characters and possible problems and the kids were excited about writing their stories.

In science we had a review over sections one and two.  We will take a science quiz over these sections Thursday.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Good to be back!

It was certainly great to be back in the classroom today! It was a great opportunity, but I was glad to be back.

In spelling we took our pre-test and corrected incorrectly spelled words.
We copied our quote for handwriting. Today may be the last day that our handwriting assignment is so short, as some are not doing their best. I told the class that if each does not do his/her best, then I will assume we need much more practice and lengthen our handwriting assignments.

In writer’s workshop we introduced problem. That is what makes a story, a story. We will continue working on that tomorrow.

In science we took core samples from our fossil sandwiches that we made last Tuesday. Ask your child about this activity. In discussing it with each class, I can tell they enjoyed it because they were able to tell me their procedures.

Have a great Monday evening!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A note to parents from Mrs. Jacobs

I am at a teacher workshop this week from Wednesday through Friday, learning new techniques of engaging our sixth graders in science.  I have prepared lesson plans for my substitute, who will be keeping our sixth graders on track with the material we would have studied if I had been there.  Tell my students I miss them, and I'm bringing back lots of great activities to help them connect with science.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The rest of this week I am at a STEM workshop, studying new ways to bring authentic science and math to the sixth grade classroom.  Lots of great ideas here on how to involve students in activities that help them learn for themselves, not just study science out of books.  I can't wait to bring some of these into the classroom.  Tell my Jewels I miss them!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fossil sandwiches...sound yummy?

In writer’s workshop today we wrote acrostics for our grandparents.  Unfortunately, some students were elsewhere, so not all did it today.

We played games using today so that your child could see how easy it is to get on at home and prepare for our spelling tests on a fun  site.

In science we made fossil sandwiches.  Ask your child about this activity.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Class does a great job presenting their book in Rise 'n Shine

Today we had our Rise ‘n Shine and all of you should be proud of your child, because each student helped in one way or another with our presentation.  Not all were on stage but all helped with the writing of our book that we shared this morning.

In spelling we took our pre-test.  I will put the words on Spelling City as soon as I am finished with the blog.

In science we checked our notebooks, as they are a large part of our grade and some were not caught up.  It is important that if your child misses, he/she needs to talk to a classmate to see if anything was added to our notebooks.  It will be written on the absent note, as well, but it is good practice to ask a classmate. 

Tomorrow we will be working on problem in a story for writing.

Tomorrow is also Grandparent’s Night.  I hope to see you there.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sixth graders finish preparing for Monday presentation

It doesn't sound like much when you read about it, but today was a full day for sixth graders.  In spelling we took our test.  We're performing the book we wrote in Rise 'n Shine on Monday, and we did a lot of work on that today.  Presentation skills are important for sixth graders to develop, so we worked on every aspect of performing before an audience.In science we went to the computer lab.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Writers finish and practice performing book for next week's program

In writer’s workshop we continued working on our book.  We also practiced our speaking parts for Rise ‘n Shine next Monday.

In science we measured 8 irregular-shaped items, using the displacement method.  We used graduated cylinders, pipettes, and several different objects.  The children seemed to grasp how it works. 

Here is our completed book:
Cooperate means, “You cut the paper while I glue.”
Patient means waiting for the bell to ring.
Proud means, I am proud of the 100 I made on my AR test!
Modest means you don’t run around telling everyone you made a 100, even if it is true.
Respect means listening when there is someone talking to the class or school audience.
Trustworthy means, if you ask me to hold your pencil, I will still have it when you return, in the same condition.
Fair is when you are working in a group, everyone gets a chance to participate.
Unfair is when you’re working in a group, but you do everything and don’t let others help.
Compassionate means giving half of your candy to someone that dropped his.
Greedy is not sharing supplies with those that don’t have any.
Generous is sharing your supplies even if you don’t have a lot.
Pessimistic is thinking you will fail before you even begin an assignment.
Optimistic is thinking you will do well on your spelling test because you studied.
Courageous means letting an adult know that a bully is picking on you or someone else.
Polite means, ‘Your hair looks nice today.”
Honest means, you found a dollar and you turn it into the teacher rather than keeping it, because you know it isn’t yours.
Envy means I can’t get over the fact that you won an award, and I didn’t.
Loyal means still being friends even if your friend makes you mad.
Open-minded means I will try to play the recorder even though I don’t like music.
Regret means not finishing your work when you had time to do it.
Content means I am happy with the backpack I already have.