Monday, January 23, 2012

Computer lab day turns teacher into poet

For math we went to the computer lab today. I have tried to put into verse what it is like to be a computer monitor all day long.

Not in the classroom,
But the lab instead.
Teacher feels
So very brain-dead.
All day long,
“Math first, next, reading.”
I said it so much
My lips are bleeding.
Though it is good
To practice those skills,
It seems to rust
My poor brain’s wheels.
Tomorrow’s a new day
With a lesson in sight.
I won’t feel so worn-out
Come Tuesday night!

In language we revealed our cupcakes. I read the ads, and the class guessed which cupcake was being described.

In spelling, we went over our words and each group had an assignment. I will put them on Spelling City as soon as I finish the blog.

Just a reminder, our book orders are due this Friday. You  can order online.

Have a marvelous Monday!

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