Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Today: patterning, word skills, adjectives ... and cupcakes!

Students wrote ads today describing cupcakes

In math today we did some independent work that was much like the ones we worked together yesterday.  We also worked with patterning.  Our assignment to turn in tomorrow is pages 104 and 106.  We did all but 2 of 104 in class, so there shouldn’t be a whole lot of work tonight, as there are only 12 on page 106.

In spelling the Word Skills group read the story that goes along with this week’s words and answered questions.  The Evan Moor group did a crossword and some editing practice.

In language we used our describing words (adjectives) to write a lost cupcake ad.  Each group designed a cupcake, then wrote the ad.  We will see how well they were written when people get to guess which ad goes with which cupcake tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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