Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Class does great on math test

In math we learned how to find the area of a parallelogram. We also took our division test. Our class is the first 6th grade class to have 50% make a one hundred on the test. Way to go.

The class earned an extra recess.

In spelling we rearranged our words to make a complete sentence.

In language, since we had so many gone to honor choir today, we just played word games on the Smart Board. Several have still not turned in Poetry Ringo. There was a grade for this for the performance of your child’s poem. There was a grade given for being turned in on time. If it isn’t today, then the highest grade your child can receive for this is a C, and that is if it is in tomorrow. Then the paper packet itself is worth another 4 grades.

Have a great Tuesday!

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