In writer’s workshop we continued working on our book. We also practiced our speaking parts for Rise ‘n Shine next Monday.
In science we measured 8 irregular-shaped items, using the displacement method. We used graduated cylinders, pipettes, and several different objects. The children seemed to grasp how it works.
Here is our completed book:
Cooperate means, “You cut the paper while I glue.”
Patient means waiting for the bell to ring.
Proud means, I am proud of the 100 I made on my AR test!
Modest means you don’t run around telling everyone you made a 100, even if it is true.
Respect means listening when there is someone talking to the class or school audience.
Trustworthy means, if you ask me to hold your pencil, I will still have it when you return, in the same condition.
Fair is when you are working in a group, everyone gets a chance to participate.
Unfair is when you’re working in a group, but you do everything and don’t let others help.
Compassionate means giving half of your candy to someone that dropped his.
Greedy is not sharing supplies with those that don’t have any.
Generous is sharing your supplies even if you don’t have a lot.
Pessimistic is thinking you will fail before you even begin an assignment.
Optimistic is thinking you will do well on your spelling test because you studied.
Courageous means letting an adult know that a bully is picking on you or someone else.
Polite means, ‘Your hair looks nice today.”
Honest means, you found a dollar and you turn it into the teacher rather than keeping it, because you know it isn’t yours.
Envy means I can’t get over the fact that you won an award, and I didn’t.
Loyal means still being friends even if your friend makes you mad.
Open-minded means I will try to play the recorder even though I don’t like music.
Regret means not finishing your work when you had time to do it.
Content means I am happy with the backpack I already have.