Monday, August 27, 2012

Sixth graders have a full day of learning and fun

In spelling we took our pretest and our words for this week are on the website.  This is a free website that your child may get on and play games and do other practice activities to help them with their spelling lists.

In handwriting we copied one of Shel Silverstein’s poems, Happy Ending

In science we talked more about safety and watched the OERB safety video.  We will be doing the OERB curricula this year at different parts of the year, as it fits into our curriculum.  Today we started on practice safety posters.  We also discussed how the science classroom is not the only place for safety.

This week is HOWDY week.  Today was hat day.  Tuesday will be OU or OSU shirt day.  Wednesday is Wacky Hair day.  Thursday is wear-something-you- made-out-of-Duct tape.  Friday is Yankee Doodle Day.  Wear your red, white, and blue!

Have a great Monday with your family!

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