Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Students raise money to tape assistant principal to the wall

In spelling we had to unscramble our words. This week’s list had some
words that were new to us.   

In science we read and answered questions over parts of chapter 10. We
will be taking our 9 weeks’ test next Tuesday. I am anxious to see how the
children do, as I helped write it this time.  Of course, I didn’t tell them
because I didn’t want them to think they had an advantage.  Since we
aren’t able to copy the test, I don’t remember what is on it.

Tomorrow is bring-a-dollar-to-tape-Mrs. Balderama-to-the-wall-in-the-
cafeteria day.  Broadmoore had had fun this week, but more importantly,
we have raised money for a great cause!

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