Monday, August 29, 2011

Sixth graders work on numerical expressions, order of operations

Today in math, we worked on numerical expressions and order of operations.  If your sixth grader did not finish his or her work in class, the assignment is to finish 8 through 27 on page 39.  Please remind your sixth graders that if they are having math difficulties they should come to see me so we can schedule some time to help them catch up.

We went over spelling words today, and they will be up on tonight sometime.  The work crew has not yet re-hooked my computer in class, so I have to wait until I get home to get the words posted.

In language, we continue to work on writing.  We had a writing activity today that deal with how to work certain story basics -- who, what, why, when, where -- into writing.

We continue to read Gary Paulsen's Hatchet, a young people's classic, as a read-aloud in class.

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