Thursday, September 8, 2011

Learning to 'think like a writer' in writer's workshop

We had a great day in writer's workshop.  The way I do workshop is to model how writers really work.  Before you can write like a writer, you have to think like a writer -- in other words, know how to take the thoughts and ideas and stories in your head and turn them into prose.

The young authors in the workshop selected possible ideas and voted on one they liked best.  Then, I began to talk them through the piece and show them how writers work with ideas to turn them into stories.  We had a great day, with more to come tomorrow.

In math, we worked on word problems.  If your sixth grader did not finish, he or she should do workbook pages 13 and 14.

We have a math test Tuesday on Chapter 1.  There is a review at the end of that chapter, so you might remind your student to bring the math book home for review this weekend.

Have a great day!

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