Thursday, September 1, 2011

Students wrestle with words problems

Probably a sixth-grader's view of word problems
We did  math workbook pages 9 and 10 today.  It seemed to come together very well.  None of the problems were new.  As always, the word problems gave us a little trouble.  We will work on those all year long.  It is difficult for the children to break the problems down sometimes.  The first thing they should ask is, What is the question asking?  Them they need to look at the information and see what is needed for this answer. 

We did a definition lesson with our spelling words, and we played Sparkle.

In language we did a modeled writing lesson.  We reviewed the “show, don’t tell” rules of writing.  Some shared one of their stories.  All will get the chance to share, as time allows.

Remember we will not have spelling next week since it is a short week.

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