Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sixth graders put in a busy day in math and language

I am glad we all made it back from the long weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed it.

In math we did more with function tables. Our assignment was wb 11 and 12. Most finished in class.

During spelling we read silently. Remember there is no spelling lesson this week.

In language we started a shared writing lesson. In this lesson we will go through the process that a writer goes through when he/she writes.

Book orders came home today, and a note along with explanations on how you may order online, if you like. You may still return the order form and check or cash, but by ordering online you may use your debit card. Our class gets free books when you order online, as well. Since I have been in the third grade for so long, I have very few 6th grade level books. And the ones I do have are in storage.

Have a great Wednesday!

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