Monday, September 19, 2011

Steams and leaves...but this is math, not gardening

Today we worked with stem and leaf plots.  Now you may be thinking, “Why is this new teacher giving a lesson on plants?”  It is a chart that takes information and organizes it in a way that is supposed to  make analyzing the information much easier. 

In spelling we started a new series.  It does more with the spelling words than the other text.  The words are a bit harder, so there are only 15 each week.  We will still do sentence dictations on the weekly tests.

In language today we worked with editing marks. We used sentences that told us about the Constitution to practice. 

Thank you to all that ordered from the book orders!  We were able to order several books for our classroom library!  Having been in third grade for 20 years, I don’t have many books for 6th grade.  And what I do have is in storage!

Have a great Monday with your family!

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