Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Big words don't scare these math students!

See you tonight for Grandparents' Night.

We had a very productive day today!  In math we checked the odd numbered problems on Skill Workbook pages 15-16.  There was a lot of discussion on #12 on page 16.  It asked about the general tendencies.  I told them that often big words are thrown in to scare us.  When we realized what was being asked, everyone felt better.  Also, a magical assignment came home, unless your child finished it.  Since the beginning of the year has been so hectic, some people are missing work.  I decided to get everyone off to a semi-fresh start by giving them an assignment with a sampling of the skills we have been working on.  This assignment will replace any missing math assignment or the lowest math grade.  It is due tomorrow, though.  There are only 6 problems.  On the first page, the third one that asks the mean needs to be marked out.  Since I made this page I didn’t check my numbers to make sure it would come out evenly.

In spelling we did pages 25-26 in our booklet, as well as said, spelled, said our words on our list.

In language we did acrostics for our grandparents.

I hope to see everyone tonight.  Remember you don’t have to bring a grandparent to attend! 

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